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Niftmint | NFT News

Tokenization of Real World Assets

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Tokenization

  • AI: Accelerating the Need for Tokenization

  • Real-world examples of how AI has created the need for tokenization

    • Art and Collectibles

    • Music

    • Podcasts

    • Deepfakes and the Entertainment Industry

  • Tokenization as a Solution

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has catalyzed a transformative shift in the management of both real-world assets and digital content, underscoring the need for tokenization to adapt to this new landscape. As AI technologies streamline the creation, curation, and distribution of digital content, they also raise complex issues related to authorship, ownership, and authenticity. Tokenization, entrenched in the immutable ledgers of blockchain technology, emerges as a compelling solution, offering a digital representation of assets that bolsters security and transparency. It enables a decentralized approach to asset management, empowering creators and owners with unparalleled control over their assets. Through blockchain, each tokenized asset gains a definitive digital identity, making it easily verifiable and exchangeable without sacrificing the integrity of ownership records or the authenticity of the asset itself. This symbiosis of AI and blockchain not only enhances efficiency and trust in transactions but also paves the way for a more equitable and decentralized framework for content and asset distribution, aligning with the ethos of a rapidly evolving digital economy.

AI: Accelerating the Need for Tokenization

In an era driven by AI, where algorithms generate content, there is a growing need for tokenization to address challenges of authenticity and trust. AI-generated content can be easily manipulated, leaving room for misinformation and fraudulent activity.

By tokenizing real-world assets and digital content, we can establish a trustworthy and immutable record of ownership and provenance. Tokenization can provide a solution to validate the authenticity of digital assets, creating a reliable source for consumers to trust.

Real-world Examples

Several industries are already embracing tokenization to establish trust and enhance the value of their assets. Here are a few examples:

Art and Collectibles

In the art and collectibles industry, AI has ushered in an era of digital transformation that is redefining ownership and provenance, leading to the growing need for tokenization. By leveraging AI's capabilities in provenance verification, fraud detection, and market analysis, tokenization presents a revolutionary method for cataloging, trading, and authenticating artworks and collectibles. It converts physical assets into digital tokens, often as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which represent ownership and can be bought, sold, or traded on blockchain networks. This digital encapsulation, backed by AI's ability to monitor and predict market trends, not only democratizes access to art investment by allowing for fractional ownership but also ensures a level of security and authenticity previously unattainable. The enhanced traceability and ease of transaction provided by tokenization, powered by AI-driven platforms, have opened new avenues for artists and collectors to engage with art in a manner that is transparent, efficient, and accessible across the globe, transforming traditional art and collectibles transactions into a modern digital marketplace.

While AI has been instrumental in advancing the art and collectibles industry, it has also been used fraudulently in some instances. Here are two specific examples:

Creation of Counterfeit Artworks:

  • AI has been employed to create sophisticated forgeries and counterfeit artworks. With the help of deep learning algorithms, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), forgers can analyze the style of famous artists and generate new images that are stylistically indistinguishable from genuine works. These counterfeit pieces can then be passed off as lost or newly discovered works from renowned artists, potentially deceiving collectors and experts alike.

AI-Generated Provenance and Ownership Histories:

  • Provenance, the documentation that authenticates a piece of art, is crucial in the art market. Some fraudsters use AI to fabricate provenance records by creating realistic but entirely false historical documents or altering digital records of legitimate pieces. AI can also be utilized to track and mimic the ownership history of authentic items, providing fake collectibles with a seemingly credible trail of previous owners, thereby misleading buyers regarding the item’s authenticity.

These examples highlight the dual-edged nature of AI technology — while it can significantly contribute to innovation and growth in the art and collectibles industry, it also presents new challenges and avenues for fraudulent activities that need to be addressed with robust verification and security measures.


The burgeoning capabilities of AI in music production, exemplified by its ability to craft songs that resonate with the signature styles of iconic artists, have inadvertently laid the groundwork for the necessity of tokenization in the industry. As AI generates compositions akin to the likeness of tracks from artists such as Drake, The Weeknd, Oasis, and more, the lines between original creation and technological replication become blurred, propelling the need for a system that can delineate and protect intellectual property. Tokenization, through the creation of digital assets like NFTs, offers a solution. It provides a clear, unalterable record of ownership and rights distribution for these AI-generated pieces, allowing creators and rights holders to monetize their work in a transparent way. This mechanism is crucial not only to ensure that artists and their representatives can claim their stake in this new form of content but also to establish a legal framework that upholds the integrity of the original works while embracing the innovative outputs of AI. It paves the way for ethical use, where the novelty of AI-generated music can be celebrated without infringing upon or misrepresenting the human creativity it emulates.

Music artists can tokenize their songs by creating unique digital tokens, or NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), that represent ownership or licensing rights, which are recorded on a blockchain to ensure tamper-proof provenance and authenticity. These tokens can be embedded with metadata that details the song's creation, history, and rightful ownership, making it easier to verify authenticity and prevent unauthorized copies or fraud. By controlling the issuance and transfer of these tokens, artists can create a secure, transparent distribution channel that protects their work and ensures that any resale or usage of their music is always tracked and attributed back to them.

In April 2023, "Heart on my Sleeve," a track authored and crafted by TikTok user ghostwriter977 and features vocals synthesized through artificial intelligence to emulate the sound of Canadian artists Drake and The Weeknd, was self-released. This AI-generated song was independently distributed on streaming services such as Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube on April 4, 2023. Gaining notoriety for its innovative use of AI technology, "Heart on my Sleeve" captured significant attention on TikTok and amassed millions of views across diverse platforms before being removed by Universal Music Group (UMG) due to copyright concerns.

Listen to “Heart on a Sleeve” Drake/The Weeknd generated by AI by Ghostwriter

Listen to “The Lost Tapes” / Vol.1 (In Style of Oasis / Liam Gallagher - AI Mixtape/Album)

Asis, generated by AI


Artificial Intelligence's capacity to simulate podcaster voices has introduced an intriguing yet complex dimension to content creation within the podcasting realm. By utilizing voice generation and synthesis technologies, AI can produce audio content that closely mimics the tone, inflection, and speaking style of human hosts. This advancement has unlocked the potential for generating podcasts that maintain the essence of a host's presence, even in their absence, or for creating entirely new voices that sound convincingly human. Such innovations, while expanding creative horizons, raise significant questions about identity and content ownership. Tokenization emerges as a critical tool in this context, serving as a means to authenticate and secure the proprietary rights of the original creators. By converting episodes or series into unique digital assets, possibly as NFTs, the distinctiveness and ownership of AI-generated audio content can be preserved and tracked, providing a clear lineage of creation and ownership. This process not only safeguards the rights of creators but also assures listeners of the legitimacy of the content they consume, fostering a transparent ecosystem for AI-generated podcasting content.

Podcasters can tokenize episodes by assigning unique digital assets, or NFTs, to each podcast, ensuring that each token reflects the podcast's original content, release date, and episode information, which is indelibly recorded on a blockchain. This process establishes an unchangeable record of the podcast’s origins and ownership, safeguarding the authenticity of the content and enabling listeners to verify that they are accessing or purchasing from the legitimate source. Furthermore, tokenization can prevent piracy and unauthorized distribution, as the blockchain ledger provides a transparent trail of any transactions or transfers, making it nearly impossible for counterfeit versions to go undetected.

Deepfakes and the Entertainment Industry

Deepfakes, a technology that uses AI to alter or generate realistic videos or audios, have gained significant attention in the entertainment industry. The ability to replace someone's face or alter their actions in videos poses risks, both ethically and legally.

Artists can tokenize their artworks by issuing NFTs that serve as immutable certificates of authenticity and ownership, each linked to a smart contract that stipulates the terms of use and any copyright provisions, including restrictions on duplicating the artist's likeness. By utilizing blockchain's inherent security features, these tokens provide a verifiable digital provenance that follows the artwork, making unauthorized reproductions, deepfakes, or misuse of the artist's likeness easily traceable and accountable. This system not only fortifies the artwork against fraud but also empowers artists to enforce their rights and control over how their images and creations are used in the digital realm.

Tokenization provides an avenue to combat the negative consequences of deepfakes. By tokenizing art, music, and movies, content creators can establish ownership and attribute original works to themselves, protecting their intellectual property rights. Tokenization ensures that artists receive proper recognition, royalties, and control over their creations.

Risks and Challenges

As with any emerging technology, there are challenges to overcome in the widespread adoption of tokenization. Regulatory frameworks need to be established to ensure compliance and fair practices. Technical limitations, such as scalability and interoperability, also need to be addressed to facilitate efficient tokenized transactions.

However, various initiatives and collaborations are already underway to address these challenges. Governments, industry leaders, and blockchain enthusiasts are actively working towards standardized regulations and frameworks that will support the seamless integration of tokenization into existing systems.

Tokenization as a Solution

The advantages of tokenizing real-world assets and digital content are multifaceted. Tokenization not only establishes trust and authenticity but also enhances liquidity and accessibility.

Furthermore, tokenization streamlines the process of ownership transfer, reducing costs and the need for intermediaries. Smart contracts, an integral component of tokenization, enable automated and transparent transactions, ensuring that content creators receive proper compensation. This fosters a fairer and more equitable system for creators and consumers alike.

Success Stories and Future Outlook

Tokenization has made notable strides in revitalizing industries. The success stories of real estate tokenization, art ownership fractionalization, and royalty distribution to musicians demonstrate the transformative potential of this technology.

Looking ahead, the impact of tokenization is not limited to the entertainment industry. Industries such as healthcare, supply chain, and intellectual property rights are exploring the possibilities of tokenization to create more efficient and secure systems.

In conclusion, as AI continues to push boundaries in various industries, the need for tokenization becomes apparent. Tokenization provides a solution to establish trust, validate ownership, and enhance accessibility. By embracing tokenization, we can reshape industries, bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds, and fostering a fairer and more transparent global economy.

Now is the time for businesses and individuals to become informed about the potential of tokenization and contribute to its future development. The collaborative efforts of all stakeholders will be crucial in shaping the future of tokenization in the age of AI.

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NFTs Are Worthless so why are we building NFT Technology? Niftmint

September 27, 2023 | Seattle, WA

NFTs in their first iteration are worthless

In an era where digital transformation is more than just a buzzword, we're witnessing the impressive rise—and pitfalls—of the NFT space. Just a few years back, as the NFT wave was cresting, an astonishing 95% of these tokens now appear to lack lasting value, with the remainder significantly depreciated and worth much less than they were a couple years ago. The once-popular PFP (Profile Picture) tradeable avatars have proven not to be the game-changing usecase those in the crypto industry anticipated.

As someone who built a crypto company during the Initial Coin Offering days of 2017 - 2018 and thankfully never conducted an ICO, the initial frothiness of the NFT market mirrored the bad behavior of the ICO frenzy resonate. Projects using NFT sales to raise funds and promise future incentives, value, and even wealth, was a recipe for disaster from the start, skirting the line of acting as a security.

Founder/CEO Jonathan G. Blanco wrote about Navigating the NFT Landscape in a LinkedIN Post

I had the opportunity to get in on mints, which is the initial creation of the NFT, I couldn't find myself to get the gumption to get involved as I did not believe in the value that I believed to be artificially being created. I'll admit, there are two mints I had serious FOMO about passing on after the fact, especially as their prices ripped, but I always had trouble believing in the speculative nature of NFTs the same way I had trouble believing in the speculative nature behind most cryptocurrency coins. Maybe I could have made money, buying and trading items I don't believe in, but simply put, I have trouble spending time, effort, and money in things I don't believe in.

Our conversations with brands revealed a common trend: many were eager to tap into the allure of NFTs, mimicking NFT project behavior, dreaming of royalties on sales and listing their tokens on secondary markets. They envisioned a thriving ecosystem where brand NFTs would be freely traded. However, this approach carried significant risks, not least of which was the specter of securities regulations. Now there are projects in the NFT space that are already receiving attention from regulatory bodies like the SEC. Niftmint's stance has always been clear: if it walks like a security and talks like a security, it's best approached with caution. This principle led us to part ways with potential collaborations with Brands and Investors, and today, it stands as a testament to our commitment to integrity and foresight.

In addition to the SEC issues, brands were miseducated and misinformed by people in the PFP Avatar NFT space that had success with those NFTs, and that led to FOMO as certain brands tried to copy the unrealistic and unnatural behavior that spawned from the rapid rise in popularity of the PFP Avatar NFTs.

While the cryptocurrency market, followed by rapidly entering investors, brands, and celebrities were diving into PFP Avatars, touting its use case adoption, myself and the Niftmint team actively voiced our concerns and instead focused on how the technology of NFTs will come to redefine Commerce.

Why are we building a NFT Technology company?

So, one might ask: "how can a company deeply embedded in the digital asset space be seemingly bearish on NFTs?" The answer lies in understanding the broader picture. Brands will offer more digital products in the future and consumers will increasingly gravitate toward them. In a landscape dominated by AI, where replicating original digital items has become an everyday occurrence, the need for digital content files—be they PDFs, JPEGs, or MP3s—to be programmable, immutable, and authenticated has never been more pressing.

In the future, that product will be a better JPEG, PNG, MP3, etc. So what does that even mean? A better JPEG, PNG, MP3, etc. would be authentic, immutable, verifiable, maintain provenance, and be programmable.

Jonathan G. Blanco speaking at NFT.NYC in April 2023
Jonathan G. Blanco speaking at NFT.NYC in April 2023

How could you make a better Digital Product? You tokenize it or essentially create an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) equivalent. NFT technology allows for a digital wrapper around a digital content file in order to unleash the ability to authenticate, keep immutable, verify, maintain provenance, and be programmable. Tokenization involves creating smart contracts and generating NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) for these digital assets.

At Niftmint, we've always visualized this beyond the narrow confines of the current NFT paradigm. We're not just another NFT player; we're a FinTech and RetailTech Infrastructure company that delves into tokenizing real-world assets in the commerce vertical. The avenue we use to accomplish this? Creating NFTs of physical goods or facilitating the genesis of digital goods.

I've been lucky enough to work with Brands and Retail the majority of my career, providing me with a unique perspective into how Brands operate, adopt new technology, and serve their customers with digital experiences. As someone who was early in Social Commerce in the mid 2010s and Crypto Loyalty in 2017, along with leading innovation at a big box retailer and starting my own retail company, I know intimately well how Brands make decisions. Brands care most about revenue, customer retention, customer lifetime value, and brand awareness.

Tokenized Digital Products, as we see them unlock strategic marketing behavior by decision makers. NFTs can represent a physical item, complement an existing one, or stand independently as a unique digital product. The core of this strategy hinges on user experience and the management of digital content—essentially, the manner in which people utilize and store it. Niftmint has been laboriously crafting this foundational infrastructure for the past two years.

If you're skeptical about this evolution, consider the plethora of internet protocols we use daily as consumers. Many once demanded deep technical expertise but are now effortlessly accessed via user-friendly apps. Web browsers serve as a prime example.

In conclusion, the digital future we envisage at Niftmint is one where NFTs are omnipresent, seamlessly integrated into our daily routines. The majority of users may remain oblivious to their workings, but their influence, running silently in the background, will be undeniable.

At Niftmint, we have built the Commerce Infrastructure for Brands and Enterprise to create Digital Assets (NFTs) on their existing eCommerce storefronts and applications, while allowing Brands the ability to offer these Digital Assets for sale or giveaway with the same functionality they would any other product they sell online. Niftmint also handles all cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency wallet, and transfer of the Digital Assets, supporting a full custody solution for Brands. Niftmint simply lives in the background and seamlessly turns any Web2 company into a Web3 company while staying true to the Brands current processes.

About Niftmint

Niftmint makes it simple for Brands to Mint, Sell, and Custody NFTs directly on their site while abstracting crypto and crypto-wallets from the Brand and their Customers via our embedded Niftmint Wallet. Niftmint has productized all smart contracts, wallet creations, token deployments, and transfers while providing a user experience native to traditional Commerce.

About the Author

Jonathan G. Blanco is the Founder and CEO of Niftmint and has been building companies at the intersection of Web3 and Commerce since 2017, working with leading brands to establish, build, and execute Web3 Commerce in their organizations. As a Product and Branding leader, Jonathan has been working with and building Brands since 2009 and has been building retail technology and commerce integrations since 2014. Jonathan has long been an advocate for Web3, always doing so from a product and customer lens to make sure the experience is true to the business need.

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Niftmint joins the Talent X Opportunity Initiative at Andreessen Horowitz

For the past two years, Niftmint | Web3 & NFT Commerce has been working towards the idea for tokenizing real world assets starting with Commerce, allowing Brands and Enterprises to create Digital Products that are authenticated, immutable, programmable, and secure.

We see the need for every product to have a digital equivalent, same as what is projected to happen with tokenization of financial assets such as real estate and stocks. Niftmint has been building the core infrastructure to support this for Brands and the Commerce vertical.

While others focused on the hype of #Web3 and #NFTs, we focused on how consumers will interact with digital products from the brands they love. #NFTs are the evolution of digital products and digital content


Venture capital firm Andreesen Horowitz (a16z) launched their Talent x Opportunity (TxO) initiative to identify and support entrepreneurs who have the talent, drive, and ideas to build great businesses, but lack the network and resources to do so.

TxO recently announced its latest Fall 2023 cohort, including Niftmint, a cutting-edge Web3 eCommerce infrastructure platform. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of Niftmint’s acceptance into TxO and what it means for executing our vision of bringing eCommerce and blockchain technology together to create better experiences for brands and customers

The Web3 Revolution: Transforming eCommerce

Web3 technology represents the next phase of the internet's evolution, where blockchain, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) play pivotal roles. This transformative shift is rewriting the rules of how online businesses operate, especially in the eCommerce sector. Niftmint is at the forefront of this revolution, and the a16z TxO initiative recognized its potential to capture this opportunity..

Understanding Niftmint

Before diving into the details of the investment, let's take a moment to understand what Niftmint brings to the table. Niftmint is a Web3 eCommerce infrastructure platform that leverages blockchain technology to empower online businesses. Its core mission is to enable businesses to seamlessly integrate Web3 and NFTs into their operations. Niftmint allows Brands to be able to create, offer, and secure Digital Products (NFTs), treating them like any other product they have in their catalog, while abstracting the Brand's and their customer's need for crypto or crypto wallets.

Why Participating in the a16z TxO Initiative Matters

Investing in Niftmint through the company’s participation in a16z TxO’s initiative is not just another financial transaction; it signifies a vote of confidence in our founding vision and ability to execute. Let's delve into the key reasons why this investment matters:

  • Expertise and Guidance: By participating in TxO, Niftmint gains access to the a16z network of mentors, industry experts, and partners for guidance and support in steering the company toward sustainable growth.

  • Ecosystem Expansion: The above network extends far and wide within the tech and finance sectors. This can open doors to corporate partners, potential collaborations, and other connections crucial for Niftmint's long-term success.

  • Funding for Innovation: The investment, managed via the Tides Foundation, provides Niftmint with an infusion of capital. This funding will be channeled into continuing our product development, allowing Niftmint to innovate rapidly and stay ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of Web3 technology.

  • Validation of our Vision: Perhaps the most significant impact of this investment is the validation it provides for our strategy of capturing the opportunity presented by web3 commerce and that we have the right team in place to execute.

The Future of Web3 Ecommerce with Niftmint

Niftmint participating in the a16z txo initiative
Ridwan Grimes, Jonathan Blanco, Erin Lowe, Taban Cosmos

Here's what to expect from Niftmint in the coming months and years:

  • Enhanced Tools: Niftmint will develop and refine its suite of tools and services, making it even easier for businesses to integrate Web3 into their operations.

  • Mainstream Adoption: As Niftmint simplifies the Web3 transition for businesses, we can anticipate a surge in mainstream adoption. Niftmint is working with eCommerce Platforms, Payment Networks, and Loyalty Platforms as channel partners to bring tokenized digital experiences to more people

  • Increased Innovation: With access to additional resources and guidance, Niftmint is positioned to become a leader in innovation on how consumers adopt Web3 via the tokenization of real world assets, driving forward the development of new applications and use cases.

The Backstory

Niftmint joins a16x txo initiative
Taban Cosmos and Jonathan G. Blanco

In March of 2023, Founder Jonathan G. Blanco and Head of Product and Engineering Taban Cosmos participated in the SHOPTALK Conference in Las Vegas. The conference was fruitful in connections with Brands and Partner meetings. While at SHOPTALK, they met Caitlin Glazebrook, one of the partners at a16z TxO, and felt an immediate connection to the program. Niftmint was then introduced to Kofi Ampadu, the head of of a16z TxO, and knew we had to be a part of it.

Niftmint selected to participate in the a16z txo initiative
Niftmint team in Bonn, Germany participating in the TChallenge

The Niftmint team went through a detailed vetting and diligence process and ultimately received notice of being accepted into the a16z TxO Fall 2023 Cohort while the team was in Bonn, Germany participating in the T-Mobile/Deutsche Telekom TChallenge. Niftmint was presenting to T-Mobile and Deutsche Telekom executives as one of 20 companies invited to their campus.

To read the Geekwire article about Niftmint's acceptance into the a16z TxO initiative, click here:

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